This fable represents the importance of knowledge and clarity before action, despite assurances - especially from unreliable sources. It is numbered 9 in the Perry Index (as 9. The Fox and the Goat in the Well). This fable is not to be confused with 'The Goatherd and the Wild Goats' numbered 6 in the Perry Index.
One day, a fox was strolling around the forest.
Being unmindful of the whereabouts, he accidentally fell into a deep, old and dry, well.
He wasn't badly hurt, because the well was not very deep. But, it was deep enough for the fox not to jump out of it, by himself.
He looked around to understand the inside of the well, to see if he could use anything to leverage and jump outside, but to no avail.
The fox realized that he was stuck inside the empty well, and shouted, "Help! Somebody help!", in the hope of finding someone to help, in the deserted place.
At the same time, a thirsty goat was wandering around, in search of water.
The frustrated fox sat down thinking of a way out, without much hope of forthcoming help, given his reputation as a cunning predator.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps above, that of the goat, but unknown to him from inside the well.
He shouted from below, "Who goes there? Who is disturbing my peace here?"
The goat replied, fearing a great power from the hollow sound, "I am only a goat, searching for some water to drink."
As he came closer and looked inside the well, the goat was surprised to see a fox inside.
The goat enquired, "Oh Hello! What are you doing down there?"
The fox, pretending to drink some left-over water inside the well, slurped with pretentious satisfaction, and replied casually, "Well! I came down for a drink of this sweet water."
"Is it that good?", the goat asked.
"Good? It is the best that I have ever tasted. Come down, and try it yourself!", replied the fox, "There is more than enough for both of us."
The goat, already thristy, was impressed to see some water down the well.
And convinced that it is worth going down for a drink, he jumped inside the well, without any further thought.
He was pleasantly welcomed by the fox, and invited to taste the water without any delay.
The already thirsty goat found the water cool and sweet, having the taste of water after a long time. And, he drank his fill of water, to his great satisfaction.
The goat thanked the fox for the opportunity and for the satisfying experience, and asked to leave.
Now, that he wanted to go back up, he realized that he cannot jump up to reach the edge of the well.
The foolish goat immediately realized what a plight he had got himself into.
He was surprised to see the fox watching him in silence. He asked, "Now, how do I get out of here?"
"Oh that! That is a problem that I have been wondering about for the past hour, or so", the fox replied casually.
Assuring the goat, the fox continued, "Do not worry. I have a plan, now."
He convinced the goat to stand steadily below, so that he can climb over the goat to reach the edge of the well, and jump outside. And, when the fox gets outside the well, he will pull the goat up, he convinced.
As foolish as he had been behaving so long, the goat agreed to the fox.
The goat thought well of the fox's plan, and helped to fox get out of the well.
As the goat stood steadily, the fox climbed on his back, and supporting himself over the goat's long horns, jumped outside the well.
Finally outside the well, the fox started enjoying his regained freedom, and called out to the goat, "Goodbye, my friend! Thanks for helping me out!"
The perplexed goat shouted back, "Wait! Please pull me up, before you leave. How else am I going to come out of this well?"
Already walking away, the fox replied back, "If you had as much sense, as you have hairs in your beard, you should have thought about it before jumping into the well".
Look before you leap.
A wise man leaves nothing to chance, more than needs must.
A fox fell into a well. The well was not very deep, but he realized he cannot get out alone, and needed somebody's help to do so. Trapped inside the well, the fox heard a goat outside. He talked the goat into helping him, on the assurance that he will help the goat get out, too. The goat jumped into the well to help him. The fox stepped on the the goat to reach the edge of the wall, and jumped out. But, he did not help the goat in return. Instead, he went away, leaving the goat trapped in the well.