Fables are short fictional stories that feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature to illustrate or lead to a particular moral lesson. It is an ancient observation, confirmed by modern science, that our memory serves best in remembering something when an interesting story, fact, or event is attached to it. Fables use fictional characters to aptly portray a scenario or storyline to represent a real life situation. These short moral stories, therefore, are known for their memorable, catchy features and easily get passed down generations through word of mouth. Fables are especially attractive and acceptable to kids, and considered the best mode of teaching memorable moral lessons - early in life.
Best Fables for Kids
"Moral" is a word derived from the Latin word, "mores", that implies "habits". As such, moral stories are meant to teach lessons of life, inculcate good habits, and make the reader (or listener) a better, ethical person.
Fables and other moral stories, thus, are taught to kids early in life, and meant to cultivate a good habit or learning to be carried and practiced throughout adulthood. They are, therefore, not mere kid stories, and equally enjoyed by adults. And, true to the intent and motive of such moral stories, most of them continue to be referred and quoted as idioms and expresions during adulthood - through literature, common parlance, and even in corporate presentations.
Irrespective of the location, language, religion or culture of origin of these fables and other moral stories, they are carried far and beyond through translations and versions - sometime replacing one character with another to suite the target audience, and to make them appropriately acceptable.
However, they lose neither their essence, nor their charm, through these translations and versions - which only help to popularize these fables with the passage of time. At any given period of time, we find a common set of fables popular in most cultures and civilizations across the globe, in one language or another, that we have inadverdently heard or learnt, and has become part of our lives.
Aesop's list of fables include the most popular and meaningful moral stories, across the globe. Presented below is a list of such fables, with rememberable pictures and catchy morals, for easy reference to be enjoyed by kids and adults, alike.

Illustrated Fables for Kids, with Morals
With the advent and popularity of internet and various channels, these moral stories are easily available. However, most of them lack the memorable essence and charm that form very basis and objectivity of such fables. These fables and moral stories are not meant for passive watching, but rather, conveys a message and a learning. The above fables are meant for parent's story-telling and bedtime sessions with their kids.
Even if read independently on-screen by kids, it is advisable for parents and guardians to accompany them, and relive the moral lessons together. Such interactive sessions not only increase bonding with the kids, but makes for more memorable interactions for the kids to relish as grown-ups. Furthermore, as recent research and studies indicate, such interactions with real and relatable people, aid in better brain development and growth - while un-interactive, passive watching deter the continual growth of brain and its development in kids and teenagers.
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