This fable represents limitation of circumstances, and is numbered 145 in the Perry Index (as 145. The Lion and The Dolphin). This fable finds prominance because it teaches us to choose our alliances (including friends) wisely, and to depend upon them only in accordance to the powers they possess, not just the will they exhibit, or promises they make. The Lion and the Dolphin

Once, a lion was roaming along the seashore.
Lion watches majestic dolphin in water
He strolled majestically, as the king of beasts and the sovereign ruler of the land.
While strolling, he caught a glimpse of a dolphin, swimming with the waves, jumping above the water and diving back into the sea.
It was no less a royal sight, and he stopped to speak to the dolphin. He had heard about the dolphin, but never had the opportunity to meet and talk to him.
On the other hand, when the dolphin saw the lion, himself, awaited for an audience with him, he quickly obliged, "O king of beasts, what brings you down to the shore, may I ask?"
The lion explained how he was strolling around, when he caught a glimpse of the dolphin, and impressed how handsome he looked swimming in the water.
Lion and dolphin forms alliance
"No wonder everybody regards you as the king of fishes and the sovereign ruler of the water", he complimented.
The dolphin complimented the lion back with praises, and soon they made good friends and discussed many things together.
The lion proposed, "Since, we are both kings and rule over our territories, we should form an alliance. We should pledge to come to each other's aid, when the need be."
The dolphin could not agree more, and gladly consented to his proposal to form an alliance.
He pledged, "I shall come to your aid, whenever I can!"
Lion fights bull, asks dolphin for help
Not long afterwards, a wild bull attacked the lion on the seashore.
As the lion engaged in a fierce combat with the bull, who was no mean rival, he called out to the dolphin to come to his aid.
The dolphin, although willing to assist him, was unable to do so, because he had no means to reach the land.
All the dolphin could manage to do was, watch from the edge of the sea, as the furious battle between the lion and and the bull unfolded before his eyes.
It was a battle that the lion could have lost in, and perhaps, crippled or died fighting.

Lion angered on dolphin's inability to help
Finally, after inflicting much pain and damage on his rival, the lion managed to drive the bull away.
But he was extremely disappointed on the dolphin, for he did not come to his assistance at his time of need.
He faced the dolphin and remarked, "You are some fine friend, eh? And to think that I formed an alliance with a traitor like you! You are most unsuitable to be somebody's friend or partner!"
The dolphin apologized and lamented at his inability to come to the lion's assistance. But he added, "Don't blame me or my intentions. If you have to, blame it on Nature! It has, while giving me the sovereignty of the sea, denied me the power of living upon the land."
The spirit may be willing, but the flesh may be unable.
When choosing allies, we must look to their power as well as their will to aid us.
A lion, strolling along a shore, came across a dolphin. The dolphin was as majestic in the sea of fishes, as he was amongst the beasts, himself. As kings of beasts and fishes, respectively, the lion and the dolphin reached an understading to become allies and come to each other's aid at the time of need. After a while, a bull attacked the lion, and they had a big fight. All the time, the dolphin could do nothing but watch - because he was unable to venture out of water. The lion fought alone and finally drove the bull away, and realized that the dolphin can never come to his aid at his time of need.
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